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Father’s Day Menu: Dad-friendly recipe ideas

This Sunday (20th June) marks Father’s Day in the UK. Whether you’re celebrating your husband or for your dear Dad, tasty food is an essential part of making the day extra enjoyable!

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How to use a portable sewing machine

Did you know that there is a day dedicated to sewing, or to be exact sewing machines? National Sewing Machine Day is celebrated on 13th June.

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Healthy Fish and Chips recipe ideas

Today (Friday 4 June) marks National Fish and Chip Day, so we’re celebrating one of Britain’s favourite dishes with a healthy fish and chips recipe made with our Halowave. Plus we’ve included recipes for all the traditional side dishes too!

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Britain’s Best Biscuit Recipe ideas

There’s nothing that makes a rainy day better than a cup of tea and a biscuit, or a sunny day, for that matter. We Brits are as fond of what’s inside the biscuit tin as we ever have been.

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Gorgeous Places to Visit in England

Make a note on your calendar, as 22nd to 31st May 2021 marks this year’s English Tourism Week. 

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How To Meditate: World Meditation Day

We’re living through strange times. Living through a pandemic, for starters, feels like we’ve all been thrown the ultimate curveball, and it has had a huge effect on day-to-day life as well as mental health

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How to Cope with Post-Lockdown Anxiety

The long, hard months of lockdown are at last coming to an end, and as the UK opens up, we’re looking forward to getting back to normal life – or at least most of us are.

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Walking vs Running

For those who want to get fit, the walking vs running debate is very contentious. Whether you prefer to run or walk for exercise the fact is that neither one is ‘better’ than the other. 

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How Nature is Good for Mental Health

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health has come to the forefront of public discussion. Enforced lockdowns, job and money worries, and restrictions on social contact have affected people of all walks of life.

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Tasty Vegetarian Recipes for every meal!

We don’t know about you, but we love a good challenge. National Vegetarian Week, running from 10th to 16th of May, invites everyone to go veggie for a week.

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