How to Get Smooth Skin: Advice and Tips

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How to Get Smooth Skin: Advice and Tips

Aren’t you tired of rough or flaky skin? Smooth skin has always been a symbol of flawless beauty and having it can make you look younger. But how exactly do you get it? Without further ado, check out these advice and tips to get your skin from rough to smooth as quickly and effortlessly as possible.


Did you know that the best way to make your skin glow is from inside out? There are a number of factors that can lead to dry skin, and one of them is insufficient hydration. No, we’re not talking about hydrating lotions and creams, but about water intake.

Water is a vital element, but it’s surprising how many people don’t drink enough of it. In broad terms, women should drink around 9 cups of water a day, whilst men should have around 13 cups. Fresh juices and coconut water are good replacements to the plain water variety– they also contain a bunch of vitamins that further contribute to smoothing your skin.

However, keep in mind that tea and coffee don’t count towards the daily water intake. Both drinks contain caffeine, a substance that can dry your skin from the inside. So next time you’re brewing a cuppa, remember that you should also have a glass of water to go with it.


The first skincare step to smooth skin starts with exfoliation. This process helps get rid of dead skin cells, revealing the healthy skin cells beneath.

However, exfoliation doesn’t apply to face and neck only. Your whole body needs it, at least once a week. There are dozens of cosmetic exfoliators you could use, but homemade solutions work just as well and are inexpensive.

For instance, you could make up a honey and sugar scrub that removes dead cells whilst also nourishing the skin. Oatmeal scrub is equally easy to make and is perfect for dry skin.

Besides using a scrub, a foot scrubber with pumice stone can help you get rid of calloused skin on your heels and toes. Or you could use a foot file or Pedi Vac for the same purpose. Once you’ve gotten rid of all dead cells, it’s time to clean and moisturise your skin.


Another step many people forget is applying body cream or lotion after the shower. However, even if you use the mildest shower creams formulated specifically for dry skin, washing off the skin’s natural oils does nothing but taking you one step closer to rough, flaky skin. That’s why you should take your time and treat your whole body with a dose of your favourite body cream at least once a day.


Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much thought you put into buying skincare products – some brands just love false advertising. Such as claiming that a product is suitable for people with dry skin when, in reality, it isn’t.

The easiest way to tell if a product can meet your needs is reading the label. We’re not going to get into the nitty-gritty of natural skincare (although using products made with natural ingredients is a better idea than going for formulas containing chemicals with names you can’t pronounce), but there are four ingredients people with dry skin should avoid at all times: alcohol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and fragrances.


Did we say that smooth, glowing skin comes from the inside? We did. What we didn’t say is that hydration is only part of the picture. You should also watch what you eat.

The food you put into your body affects your overall health and appearance. The best way to get smooth skin is by ensuring that you’re eating a variety of so-called superfoods rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Examples include a plethora of fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, avocado, strawberries, kiwi, sweet potato, but also nuts and seeds, eggs, red meat, and salmon or other type of fatty fish.

It goes without saying that you should avoid processed foods and pre-cooked meals, fast food, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.


Working out and smooth skin seem to have little in common, but this couldn’t be farther from truth. Exercise increases blood flow, helping nourish your skin cells and keeping them vital. Furthermore, sweat is actually good for the skin.

Indeed, the water in sweat hydrates skin cells, the minerals and salts in it help exfoliate dead cells, whilst other substances in sweat, such as urea and uric acid, combat dry skin and dermatitis. Sweat also helps clean the skin pores from impurities and balances the skin’s pH factor – all things that help you get rid of rough skin.


Dealing with body hair removal when you have dry skin can be a nightmare. Waxing or using hair removal creams may not be an option if your skin is damaged or lacerated. Shaving can result in nicks, bumps, or cuts.

To solve these issues, you could use razors specifically designed for people with delicate skin, such as the Flawless Nu Razor. Alternatively, you could try natural hair removal remedies suitable for people with dry skin, including sugar, honey, and lemon “wax.”


Cold temperatures, wind and rain are the greatest enemies of dry skin. Whilst you might not be able to avoid them, proper skincare can help you deal with these issues. Wondering how? Check out this easy skincare routine that will teach you how to take care of your face.

So, now that you know how to get smooth skin, what do you say?  Are you ready to start making your skin flawless?

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